open import Cat.Instances.Shape.Terminal open import Cat.Diagram.Colimit.Base open import Cat.Instances.Functor open import Cat.Diagram.Initial open import Cat.Functor.Adjoint open import Cat.Instances.Comma open import Cat.Functor.Hom open import Cat.Functor.Kan open import Cat.Prelude import Cat.Functor.Reasoning as Functor-kit import Cat.Reasoning module Cat.Functor.Kan.Nerve where
Nerve and realisation🔗
Let be a functor from a -small category to a locally -small, -cocomplete category . induces a pair of adjoint functors, as in the diagram below, where . In general, the left adjoint is called “realization”, and the right adjoint is called “nerve”.
An example to keep in mind is the inclusion from the simplex category to strict categories, which sends the -simplex to the finite poset . In this case, the left adjoint is the ordinary realisation of a simplicial set as a strict category, and the right adjoint gives the simplicial nerve of a strict category.
Since these adjunctions come for very cheap (-cocompleteness of the codomain category is all we need), they are built out of very thin abstract nonsense: The “realisation” left adjoint is given by the left Kan extension of along the Yoneda embedding , which can be computed as a particular colimit, and the “nerve” right adjoint is given by the restricted Yoneda embedding functor .
Nerve : {D : Precategory κ κ} → Functor D C → Functor C (PSh κ D) Nerve F .F₀ x .F₀ y = C.Hom (F .F₀ y) x , C.Hom-set _ _ Nerve F .F₀ x .F₁ f g = g C.∘ F .F₁ f Nerve F .F₀ x .F-id = funext λ x → C.elimr (F .F-id) Nerve F .F₀ x .F-∘ f g = funext λ x → C.pushr (F .F-∘ _ _) Nerve F .F₁ f .η _ g = f C.∘ g Nerve F .F₁ _ .is-natural _ _ _ = funext λ _ → C.assoc _ _ _ Nerve F .F-id = Nat-path λ _ → funext λ _ → C.idl _ Nerve F .F-∘ f g = Nat-path λ _ → funext λ _ → sym (C.assoc _ _ _)
The realisation left adjoint is constructed by general abstract nonsense.
Realisation : {D : Precategory κ κ} → Functor D C → Functor (PSh κ D) C Realisation {D} F = cocomplete→lan cocompl F (よ D) .Lan.Ext Realisation⊣Nerve : {D : Precategory κ κ} (F : Functor D C) → Realisation F ⊣ Nerve F
The construction of the nerve-realisation adjunction is done below in components, but understanding it is not necessary: Either ponder the example from above, or take it as a foundational assumption. However, if you’re feeling particularly brave, feel free to look at the code. Godspeed.
Realisation⊣Nerve {D = D} F = adj where module D = Cat.Reasoning D open _⊣_ open ↓Obj open ↓Hom module F = Functor-kit F hom′ : (P : Functor (D ^op) (Sets κ)) (i : D.Ob) → (arg : ∣ P .F₀ i ∣) → ↓Obj (よ D) _ hom′ P i arg .x = i hom′ P i arg .y = tt hom′ P i arg .map .η j h = P .F₁ h arg hom′ P i arg .map .is-natural _ _ f = funext λ _ → happly (P .F-∘ _ _) _ cocone′ : ∀ ob → Cocone (F F∘ Dom (よ D) (const! (Nerve F .F₀ ob))) cocone′ ob .coapex = ob cocone′ ob .ψ obj = obj .map .η _ cocone′ ob .commutes {x} {y} f = happly (sym (y .map .is-natural _ _ _)) _ ∙ ap (y .map .η (x .↓Obj.x)) (sym ∙ happly (ap (λ e → e .η (x .↓Obj.x)) (f .sq)) _
Before proceeding, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the adjunction unit and counit, and you’ll see that it makes sense that nerve and realisation are adjoints: The unit is given by the coprojections defining the left Kan extension as a colimit, and the counit is given by the unique “colimiting” map from that colimit.
adj : Realisation F ⊣ Nerve F adj .unit .η P .η i arg = cocompl _ .bot .ψ (hom′ P i arg) adj .counit .η ob = cocompl _ .has⊥ (cocone′ ob) .centre .hom adj .unit .η P .is-natural x y f = funext λ arg → sym (cocompl _ .bot .commutes {x = obj′ arg} ( record { sq = Nat-path (λ _ → refl) }) ∙ ap (cocompl _ .bot .ψ) (↓Obj-path _ _ refl refl (Nat-path λ _ → funext λ _ → happly (P .F-∘ _ _) _))) where obj′ : ∀ arg → ↓Obj (よ _) _ obj′ arg .↓Obj.x = y obj′ arg .↓Obj.y = tt obj′ arg .map .η j h = P .F₁ (f D.∘ h) arg obj′ arg .map .is-natural X Y F = funext λ A → happly (P .F-∘ _ _) _ ∙ happly (P .F-∘ _ _) _ ∙ λ i → P .F₁ F (P .F-∘ A f (~ i) arg) adj .unit .is-natural x y f = Nat-path λ i → funext λ arg → sym $ cocompl (F F∘ Dom (よ D) (const! x)) .has⊥ (lan-approximate cocompl _ _ f) .centre .commutes (hom′ x i arg) ∙ ap (cocompl _ .bot .ψ) (↓Obj-path _ _ refl refl (Nat-path λ _ → funext λ _ → happly (f .is-natural _ _ _) _)) adj .counit .is-natural x y f = ap hom $ is-contr→is-prop (cocompl (F F∘ Dom (よ D) (const! (Nerve F .F₀ x))) .has⊥ cocone₂) (cocone-hom _ λ o → C.pullr (cocompl _ .has⊥ (lan-approximate cocompl _ _ _) .centre .commutes _) ∙ cocompl _ .has⊥ (cocone′ y) .centre .commutes _) (cocone-hom _ λ o → C.pullr (cocompl _ .has⊥ (cocone′ x) .centre .commutes _)) where cocone₂ : Cocone _ cocone₂ .coapex = y cocone₂ .ψ ob = f C.∘ ob .map .η _ cocone₂ .commutes {x₂} {y₂} f = C.pullr ( sym (happly (y₂ .map .is-natural _ _ _) _) ∙ ap (y₂ .map .η _) (sym ∙ ap (_ C.∘_) (happly (ap (λ e → e .η (x₂ .↓Obj.x)) (f .sq)) adj .zig {A} = ap hom $ is-contr→is-prop (cocompl (F F∘ Dom (よ D) (const! A)) .has⊥ (cocompl _ .bot)) (cocone-hom _ λ o → C.pullr (cocompl _ .has⊥ (lan-approximate cocompl _ _ _) .centre .commutes _) ∙ cocompl _ .has⊥ (cocone′ _) .centre .commutes _ ∙ ap (cocompl (F F∘ Dom (よ D) (const! A)) .bot .ψ) (↓Obj-path _ _ _ refl (Nat-path λ x → funext λ _ → sym (happly (o .map .is-natural _ _ _) _) ∙ ap (o .map .η x) (D.idl _)))) (cocone-hom _ λ o → C.idl _) adj .zag {B} = Nat-path λ x → funext λ a → cocompl (F F∘ Dom (よ D) (const! (Nerve F .F₀ B))) .has⊥ (cocone′ B) .centre .commutes (hom′ _ x a) ∙ F.elimr refl