open import Cat.Instances.Shape.Terminal open import Cat.Diagram.Colimit.Base open import Cat.Instances.Functor open import Cat.Diagram.Initial open import Cat.Functor.Adjoint open import Cat.Instances.Comma open import Cat.Functor.Base open import Cat.Prelude import Cat.Functor.Reasoning as Func import Cat.Reasoning as Cat module Cat.Functor.Kan where
Kan extensions🔗
Suppose we have a functor , and a functor — perhaps to be thought of as a full subcategory inclusion, where is a completion of , but the situation applies just as well to any pair of functors — which naturally fit into a commutative diagram
but as we can see this is a particularly sad commutative diagram; it’s crying out for a third edge
extending to a functor . If there exists an universal such extension (we’ll define what “universal” means in just a second), we call it the left Kan extension of along , and denote it . Such extensions do not come for free (in a sense they’re pretty hard to come by), but concept of Kan extension can be used to rephrase the definition of both limit and adjoint functor.
A left Kan extension is equipped with a natural transformation witnessing the (“directed”) commutativity of the triangle (so that it need not commute on-the-nose) which is universal among such transformations; Meaning that if is another functor with a transformation , there is a unique natural transformation which commutes with .
Note that in general the triangle commutes “weakly”, but when is fully faithful and is cocomplete, genuinely extends , in that is a natural isomorphism.
record Lan (p : Functor C C′) (F : Functor C D) : Type (kan-lvl p F) where field Ext : Functor C′ D eta : F => Ext F∘ p
Universality of eta is witnessed by the following fields, which essentially say that, in the diagram below (assuming has a natural transformation witnessing the same “directed commutativity” that does for ), the 2-cell exists and is unique.
σ : {M : Functor C′ D} (α : F => M F∘ p) → Ext => M σ-comm : {M : Functor C′ D} {α : F => M F∘ p} → whiskerl (σ α) ∘nt eta ≡ α σ-uniq : {M : Functor C′ D} {α : F => M F∘ p} {σ′ : Ext => M} → α ≡ whiskerl σ′ ∘nt eta → σ α ≡ σ′
The elevator pitch for Kan extensions is that “all concepts are Kan extensions”. The example we will give here is that, if is an adjunction, then gives . This isn’t exactly enlightening: adjunctions and Kan extensions have very different vibes, but the latter concept is a legitimate generalisation.
adjoint→lan : Lan F Id adjoint→lan .Ext = G adjoint→lan .eta = unit
The proof is mostly pushing symbols around, and the calculation is available below unabridged. In components, must give, assuming a map , a map . The transformation we’re looking for arises as the composite
where uniqueness and commutativity follows from the triangle identities zig and zag.
adjoint→lan .σ {M} α .η x = M .Functor.F₁ (counit.ε _) C.∘ α .η (G.₀ x) adjoint→lan .σ {M} nt .is-natural x y f = (M.₁ (counit.ε _) C.∘ nt .η _) C.∘ G.₁ f ≡⟨ C.pullr (nt .is-natural _ _ _) ⟩≡ M.₁ (counit.ε _) C.∘ M.₁ (F.₁ (G.₁ f)) C.∘ nt .η _ ≡⟨ M.extendl ( _ _ _) ⟩≡ M.₁ f C.∘ M.₁ (counit.ε _) C.∘ nt .η _ ∎ where module M = Func M adjoint→lan .σ-comm {M} {α} = Nat-path λ _ → (M.₁ (counit.ε _) C.∘ α.η _) C.∘ unit.η _ ≡⟨ C.pullr (α.is-natural _ _ _) ⟩≡ M.₁ (counit.ε _) C.∘ M.₁ (F.F₁ (unit .η _)) C.∘ α.η _ ≡⟨ M.cancell zig ⟩≡ α.η _ ∎ where module α = _=>_ α module M = Func M adjoint→lan .σ-uniq {M} {α} {σ'} p = Nat-path λ x → M.₁ (counit.ε _) C.∘ α.η _ ≡⟨ ap (_ C.∘_) (ap (λ e → e .η _) p) ⟩≡ M.₁ (counit.ε _) C.∘ σ' .η _ C.∘ unit.η _ ≡⟨ C.extendl (sym (σ' .is-natural _ _ _)) ⟩≡ σ' .η _ C.∘ G.₁ (counit.ε _) C.∘ unit.η _ ≡⟨ C.elimr zag ⟩≡ σ' .η x ∎ where module α = _=>_ α module M = Func M
A formula🔗
In the cases where are “small enough” and is “cocomplete enough”, the left Kan extension of any functor along any functor exists, and is computed as a colimit in . The size concerns here is unavoidable, so let’s be explicit about them: Suppose that admits colimits of -small diagrams, e.g. because it is . Then the category must be -small, and must be locally -small, i.e. its Hom-sets must live in the th universe.
The size restrictions on and ensure that the comma category is -small, so that has a colimit for it. The objects of this category can be considered “approximations of coming from ”, so the colimit over this category is a “best approximation of ”! The rest of the computation is “straightforward” in the way that most category-theoretic computations are: it looks mighty complicated from the outside, but when you’re actually working them out, there’s only one step you can take at each point. Agda’s goal-and-context display guides you the whole way.
lan-approximate : ∀ {d e} (f : D.Hom d e) → Cocone (F F∘ Dom K (const! d)) lan-approximate {e = e} f .coapex = colim (F F∘ Dom K (const! e)) .bot .coapex lan-approximate {e = e} f .ψ x = colim (F F∘ Dom K (const! e)) .bot .ψ (record { map = f D.∘ x .map }) lan-approximate {e = e} f .commutes {x} {y} h = colim (F F∘ Dom K (const! e)) .bot .commutes (record { sq = path }) where abstract path : (f D.∘ y .map) D.∘ K.₁ (h .α) ≡ D.∘ (f D.∘ x .map) path = (f D.∘ y .map) D.∘ K.₁ (h .α) ≡⟨ D.pullr (h .sq) ⟩≡ f D.∘ D.∘ x .map ≡⟨ solve D ⟩≡ D.∘ (f D.∘ x .map) ∎ cocomplete→lan : Lan K F cocomplete→lan = lan where diagram : ∀ d → Functor (K ↘ d) E diagram d = F F∘ Dom K (const! d) approx = lan-approximate
Our extension will associate to each object the colimit of
where is the functor which projects out the domain of each object of . Now, we must also associate arrows to arrows between the respective colimits of and . What we note is that any arrow displays (the colimit associated with) as a cocone under , as can be seen in the computation of approx above.
Our functor can then take an arrow to the uniqueness arrow from (punning and for their respective diagrams), which exists because is initial. Uniqueness of this arrow ensures that this assignment is functorial — but as the functoriality proof is (to use a technical term) goddamn nasty, we leave it hidden from the page.
func : Functor D E func .F₀ d = colim (diagram d) .bot .coapex func .F₁ {d} {e} f = colim (diagram d) .has⊥ (approx f) .centre .hom
It remains to show that our extension functor admits a natural transformation (with components) , but we can take these arrows to be the colimit coprojections ψ; The factoring natural transformation σ is given by eliminating the colimit, which ensures commutativity and uniqueness. We leave the rest of the computation in this <details>
tag, for the interested reader.
Fair advance warning that the computation here doesn’t have any further comments.
lan : Lan K F lan .Ext = func lan .eta .η x = colim (diagram (K.₀ x)) .bot .ψ (record { map = }) lan .σ {M} α .η x = colim (diagram x) .has⊥ cocone′ .centre .hom where module M = Func M cocone′ : Cocone _ cocone′ .coapex = M.₀ x cocone′ .ψ ob = M.₁ (ob .map) E.∘ α .η _ cocone′ .commutes {x} {y} f = (M.₁ (y .map) E.∘ α .η _) E.∘ F.₁ (f .↓Hom.α) ≡⟨ E.pullr (α .is-natural _ _ _) ⟩≡ M.₁ (y .map) E.∘ M.₁ (K.₁ (f .↓Hom.α)) E.∘ α .η _ ≡⟨ M.pulll (f .↓Hom.sq ∙ D.idl _) ⟩≡ M.₁ (x .map) E.∘ α .η _ ∎ lan .eta .is-natural x y f = sym $ colim (diagram (K.₀ x)) .has⊥ (approx (K.₁ f)) .centre .commutes _ ∙ sym (colim (diagram (K.₀ y)) .bot .commutes (record { sq = D.introl refl ∙ ap₂ D._∘_ refl (sym })) lan .σ {M} α .is-natural x y f = ap hom $ is-contr→is-prop (colim (diagram x) .has⊥ cocone′) (cocone-hom _ λ o → E.pullr (colim (diagram x) .has⊥ (approx f) .centre .commutes _) ∙ colim (diagram y) .has⊥ _ .centre .commutes _) (cocone-hom _ λ o → E.pullr (colim (diagram x) .has⊥ _ .centre .commutes _) ∙ M.pulll refl) where module M = Func M cocone′ : Cocone _ cocone′ .coapex = M.₀ y cocone′ .ψ x = _ cocone′ .commutes {x} {y} f = E.pullr (α .is-natural _ _ _) ∙ M.pulll (D.pullr (f .↓Hom.sq ∙ D.idl _)) lan .σ-comm {M = M} = Nat-path λ x → colim (diagram (K.₀ x)) .has⊥ _ .centre .commutes _ ∙ M.eliml refl where module M = Func M lan .σ-uniq {M = M} {α} {σ'} path = Nat-path λ x → ap hom $ colim (diagram _) .has⊥ _ .paths (cocone-hom _ λ o → sym $ ap₂ E._∘_ refl (ap (λ e → e .η _) path) ∙ E.pulll (sym (σ' .is-natural _ _ _)) ∙ E.pullr ( colim _ .has⊥ _ .centre .commutes _ ∙ ap (colim (diagram x) .bot .ψ) (↓Obj-path _ _ refl refl (D.idr _))))
A useful result about this calculation of is that, if is fully faithful, then — the left Kan extension along a fully-faithful functor does actually extend.
private module Fn = Cat Cat[ C , E ] open _=>_ ff-lan-ext : is-fully-faithful K → cocomplete→lan .Ext F∘ K Fn.≅ F ff-lan-ext ff = Fn._Iso⁻¹ (Fn.invertible→iso (cocomplete→lan .eta) inv) where inv′ : ∀ x → (cocomplete→lan .eta .η x) inv′ x = E.make-invertible to invl invr where cocone′ : Cocone _ cocone′ .coapex = F.₀ x cocone′ .ψ ob = F.₁ (equiv→inverse ff (ob .map)) cocone′ .commutes {x = y} {z} f = F.collapse (fully-faithful→faithful {F = K} ff ( K .Functor.F-∘ _ _ ∙ ap₂ D._∘_ (equiv→section ff _) refl ∙ f .sq ∙ D.idl _ ∙ sym (equiv→section ff _))) to : E.Hom _ (F.₀ x) to = colim _ .has⊥ cocone′ .centre .hom invl : cocomplete→lan .eta .η x E.∘ to ≡ invl = ap hom $ is-contr→is-prop (colim _ .has⊥ (colim (F F∘ Dom K (const! _)) .bot)) (cocone-hom _ λ o → E.pullr (colim _ .has⊥ cocone′ .centre .commutes _) ∙ colim _ .bot .commutes (record { sq = ap ( D.∘_) (equiv→section ff _) })) (cocone-hom _ λ o → E.idl _) invr : to E.∘ cocomplete→lan .eta .η x ≡ invr = colim _ .has⊥ cocone′ .centre .commutes _ ∙ F.elim (fully-faithful→faithful {F = K} ff (equiv→section ff _ ∙ sym K.F-id)) inv : (cocomplete→lan .eta) inv = componentwise-invertible→invertible (cocomplete→lan .eta) inv′