open import Cat.Diagram.Pullback.Properties open import Cat.Functor.FullSubcategory open import Cat.Diagram.Limit.Base open import Cat.Diagram.Pullback open import Cat.Diagram.Terminal open import Cat.Diagram.Product open import Cat.Instances.Slice open import Cat.Prelude open import Cat.Base open import Cat.Thin import Cat.Reasoning import Cat.Univalent module Cat.Thin.Instances.Sub {o ℓ} (C : Precategory o ℓ) where
Preorders of Subobjects🔗
Let be a category (like the category ), and be an object. We know that the monomorphisms into correspond to embeddings (though often we’re interested in the regular subobjects instead) of into . In , we have a type — not an object of the category due to size reasons — which classifies these embeddings, so we can either look at or as the family it generates. In other categories, such as Groups, we’re not so lucky: there’s no such thing as a “subgroup classifier”.
Fortunately, in any category, we can still think about “the subobjects of ” as an organised collection: Specifically, we take the full subcategory of the slice spanned by the objects where is monic.
Subobj : C.Ob → Precategory (o ⊔ ℓ) ℓ Subobj O = Restrict {C = Slice C O} ( ⊙ map)
Since the maps we’re talking about are monomorphisms, the precategory Subobj automatically has a proposition’s worth of maps between any two objects; By the closure properties of univalent categories, the precategory of subobjects (of ) in a univalent category is univalent: The poset of subobjects of .
Subobj-is-thin : ∀ {O} {A B : Ob (Subobj O)} → is-prop (Hom (Subobj O) A B) Subobj-is-thin {B = amono} x y = p where p = /-Hom-path (amono .witness _ _ (x .commutes ∙ sym (y .commutes))) Subobj-is-category : ∀ {O} → is-category C → is-category (Subobj O) Subobj-is-category ccat = Restrict-is-category _ ( ⊙ map) (slice-is-category ccat) Subobjects : is-category C → C.Ob → Poset (o ⊔ ℓ) ℓ Subobjects ccat ob = univalent-thin-precat→Poset (Subobj ob) (λ A B → Subobj-is-thin {A = A} {B = B}) (Subobj-is-category ccat)
Constructions on subobjects🔗
We begin by proving that the poset of subobjects has a “maximal subobject”, i.e., a terminal object. Since slice categories already have a terminal object, it remains to show that the identity map is monic, but this is immediate.
⊤-subobj : Terminal (Subobj o) ⊤-subobj .top = cut , λ g h p → C.introl refl ·· p ·· C.eliml refl ⊤-subobj .has⊤ x = Slice-terminal-object (x .object)
If the ambient category has (binary) pullbacks, then the slices of has (binary) products. Since pullbacks preserve monomorphisms, these correspond to (binary) subobject intersections.
subobj-products : ∀ {A B} → Pullback C (A .object .map) (B .object .map) → Product (Subobj o) A B subobj-products {A = Am} {B = Bm} pb = prod′ where prod : Product (Slice C o) (Am .object) (Bm .object) prod = Pullback→Fibre-product pb module prod = Product prod open Product open is-product prod′ : Product (Subobj o) Am Bm prod′ .apex = prod.apex , mono where abstract mono : (Am .object .map C.∘ pb .p₁) mono g h p = is-monic→pullback-is-monic (Bm .witness) (rotate-pullback (pb .has-is-pb)) _ _ (Am .witness _ _ (C.assoc _ _ _ ∙ p ∙ sym (C.assoc _ _ _))) prod′ .π₁ = prod.π₁ prod′ .π₂ = prod.π₂ prod′ .has-is-product .⟨_,_⟩ = prod.⟨_,_⟩ prod′ .has-is-product .π₁∘factor = prod.π₁∘factor prod′ .has-is-product .π₂∘factor = prod.π₂∘factor prod′ .has-is-product .unique = prod.unique
In general, monics are preserved by arbitrary limits; If you have a diagram , and the category has a limit for , then also has a limit in .
private module C/o = Cat.Reasoning (Subobj o) module F = Functor F F′ : Functor J (Slice C o) F′ = Forget-full-subcat F∘ F slice-lim→subobj-lim : Limit F′ → Limit F slice-lim→subobj-lim lim′ = lim where module lim′ = Terminal lim′ module limob = Cone lim′.top mono : (map (lim′.top .apex)) mono {c = c} g h p i = is-contr→is-prop (lim′.has⊤ cone) g′ h′ i .hom .map where cone : Cone F′ cone .apex .domain = c cone .apex .map = limob.apex .map C.∘ h cone .ψ x .map = limob.ψ x .map C.∘ h cone .ψ x .commutes = C.pulll (limob.ψ x .commutes) cone .commutes f = /-Hom-path (C.pulll (ap map (limob.commutes f))) g′ : Cone-hom F′ _ _ g′ .hom .map = g g′ .hom .commutes = p g′ .commutes o = /-Hom-path ( F.₀ o .witness _ _ ( F.₀ o .object .map C.∘ limob.ψ o .map C.∘ g ≡⟨ C.pulll (limob.ψ o .commutes) ⟩≡ limob.apex .map C.∘ g ≡⟨ p ⟩≡ limob.apex .map C.∘ h ≡˘⟨ C.pulll (limob.ψ o .commutes) ⟩≡˘ F.₀ o .object .map C.∘ limob.ψ o .map C.∘ h ∎ )) h′ : Cone-hom F′ _ _ h′ .hom .map = h h′ .hom .commutes = refl h′ .commutes _ = /-Hom-path refl cone : Cone F cone .apex = limob.apex , mono cone .ψ = limob.ψ cone .commutes = limob.commutes lim : Limit F lim .top = cone lim .has⊤ other = contr ch unique where other′ : Cone F′ other′ .apex = other .apex .object other′ .ψ = other .ψ other′ .commutes = other .commutes ch : Cone-hom F other cone ch .hom = lim′.has⊤ other′ .centre .hom ch .commutes = lim′.has⊤ other′ .centre .commutes unique : ∀ x → _ unique x = Cone-hom-path _ (ap hom (lim′.has⊤ other′ .paths (record { hom = x .hom ; commutes = x .commutes })))
In particular, since limits in are computed as limits in , if is complete, then so are its subobject precategories.
is-complete→subobj-is-complete : ∀ {o′ ℓ′} {c : Precategory.Ob C} → is-complete o′ ℓ′ C → is-complete o′ ℓ′ (Subobj c) is-complete→subobj-is-complete lims F = slice-lim→subobj-lim F (is-complete→slice-is-complete lims _)