open import 1Lab.Prelude
open import Agda.Builtin.Maybe
open import Data.Set.Coequaliser
module wip.test7 where
just≠nothing : ∀ {A : Type} {x : A} → just x ≡ nothing → ⊥
just≠nothing p = subst (λ { (just x) → ⊤ ; nothing → ⊥ }) p tt
just-injective : ∀ {A : Type} {x y : A} → just x ≡ just y → x ≡ y
just-injective {y = y} = ap λ { (just x) → x
; nothing → y }
absurd-path : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {y : A} {x : ⊥} → absurd x ≡ y
absurd-path {x = ()}
inj : ∀ {A B : Type} → Maybe A ≡ Maybe B → A ≡ B
inj {A = A} {B} p = ua (Iso→Equiv (a→b , iso b→a b→a→b a→b→a)) where
ma≃mb : Maybe A ≃ Maybe B
ma≃mb = path→equiv p
mb≃ma : Maybe B ≃ Maybe A
mb≃ma = ma≃mb e⁻¹
a→b : A → B
a→b x with inspect (ma≃mb .fst (just x))
... | just y , _ = y
... | nothing , p with inspect (ma≃mb .fst nothing)
... | just y , _ = y
... | nothing , q = absurd (just≠nothing (ap fst (is-contr→is-prop (ma≃mb .snd .is-eqv _) (_ , p) (_ , q))))
b→a : B → A
b→a x with inspect (mb≃ma .fst (just x))
... | just x , _ = x
... | nothing , p with inspect (mb≃ma .fst nothing)
... | just y , _ = y
... | nothing , q = absurd (just≠nothing (ap fst (is-contr→is-prop (mb≃ma .snd .is-eqv _) (_ , p) (_ , q))))
a→b→a : ∀ a → b→a (a→b a) ≡ a
a→b→a a with inspect (ma≃mb .fst (just a))
a→b→a a | just x , p′ with inspect (mb≃ma .fst (just x))
a→b→a a | just x , p′ | just y , q′ = just-injective (
just y ≡⟨ sym q′ ⟩
transport (sym p) (just x) ≡⟨ ap (transport (sym p)) (sym p′) ⟩
transport (sym p) (transport p (just a)) ≡⟨ transport⁻transport p _ ⟩
just a ∎)
a→b→a a | just x , p′ | nothing , q′ = absurd contra where
r = ap fst (is-contr→is-prop (ma≃mb .snd .is-eqv _) (_ , p′)
(_ , transport⁻transport (sym p) _))
contra = just≠nothing (r ∙ q′)
a→b→a a | nothing , p′ with inspect (ma≃mb .fst nothing)
a→b→a a | nothing , p′ | just x , q′ with inspect (mb≃ma .fst (just x))
a→b→a a | nothing , p′ | just x , q′ | just y , r′ = absurd (just≠nothing (sym r′ ∙ ap (transport (sym p)) (sym q′) ∙ transport⁻transport p _))
a→b→a a | nothing , p′ | just x , q′ | nothing , r′ with inspect (mb≃ma .fst nothing)
a→b→a a | nothing , p′ | just x , q′ | nothing , r′ | just z , s = just-injective (sym s ∙ ap (transport (sym p)) (sym p′) ∙ transport⁻transport p _)
a→b→a a | nothing , p′ | just x , q′ | nothing , r′ | nothing , s = absurd-path
a→b→a a | nothing , p′ | nothing , q′ = absurd (just≠nothing (ap fst (is-contr→is-prop (ma≃mb .snd .is-eqv _) (_ , p′) (_ , q′))))
b→a→b : ∀ b → a→b (b→a b) ≡ b
b→a→b b with inspect (mb≃ma .fst (just b))
b→a→b b | just x , p′ with inspect (ma≃mb .fst (just x))
b→a→b b | just x , p′ | just x₁ , q′ = just-injective (sym q′ ∙ ap (transport p) (sym p′) ∙ transport⁻transport (sym p) _)
b→a→b b | just x , p′ | nothing , q′ = absurd contra where
r = ap fst (is-contr→is-prop (mb≃ma .snd .is-eqv _) (_ , p′)
(_ , transport⁻transport p _))
contra = just≠nothing (r ∙ q′)
b→a→b b | nothing , p′ with inspect (mb≃ma .fst nothing)
b→a→b b | nothing , p′ | just x , q′ with inspect (ma≃mb .fst (just x))
b→a→b b | nothing , p′ | just x , q′ | just y , r′ = absurd (just≠nothing (sym r′ ∙ ap (transport p) (sym q′) ∙ transport⁻transport (sym p) _))
b→a→b b | nothing , p′ | just x , q′ | nothing , r′ with inspect (ma≃mb .fst nothing)
b→a→b a | nothing , p′ | just x , q′ | nothing , r′ | just z , s = just-injective (sym s ∙ ap (transport p) (sym p′) ∙ transport⁻transport (sym p) _)
b→a→b a | nothing , p′ | just x , q′ | nothing , r′ | nothing , s = absurd-path
b→a→b b | nothing , p′ | nothing , q′ = absurd (just≠nothing (ap fst (is-contr→is-prop (mb≃ma .snd .is-eqv _) (_ , p′) (_ , q′))))
open import 1Lab.HIT.S1
test : Square refl refl loop loop
test i j = loop (i ∧ j)
test3 : Square (sym loop) refl loop refl
test3 i j = loop (~ i ∨ j)
: ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {x y z : A} (p : x ≡ y) (q : y ≡ z)
→ Square refl (sym p) q (p ∙ q)
∙-filler'' {x = x} {y} {z} p q i j =
hcomp (λ { k (i = i0) → p (~ j)
; k (i = i1) → q (k ∧ j)
; k (j = i0) → y
(p (i ∨ ~ j))
: ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {x y z : A} (p : x ≡ y) (q : y ≡ z)
→ Square p p q q
composite-square {x = x} p q i j =
hcomp (λ { k (i = i0) → p j
; k (i = i1) → ∙-filler p q j k
; k (j = i0) → p (k ∧ i)
; k (j = i1) → ∙-filler'' p q k i
(p (~ i ∧ j))
asdf : (x : S¹) → x ≡ x
asdf base = loop
asdf (loop i) j = composite-square loop loop i j