open import Cat.CartesianClosed.Locally open import Cat.Instances.Sets.Complete open import Cat.Functor.Pullback open import Cat.Functor.Adjoint open import Cat.Instances.Slice open import Cat.Prelude module Cat.Instances.Sets.CartesianClosed {ℓ} where
Sets is (locally) cartesian closed🔗
We show that the category of Sets is locally cartesian closed, i.e. that every map of Sets induces a functor , which is right adjoint to the base change functor .
module _ {A B : Set ℓ} (func : ∣ A ∣ → ∣ B ∣) where Sets-Π : Functor (Slice (Sets ℓ) A) (Slice (Sets ℓ) B) Sets-Π .F₀ ob .domain = (Σ[ y ∈ ∣ B ∣ ] ((f : fibre func y) → fibre (ob .map) (f .fst))) , Σ-is-hlevel 2 (B .is-tr) λ _ → Π-is-hlevel 2 λ _ → Σ-is-hlevel 2 (ob .domain .is-tr) λ _ → is-prop→is-set (A .is-tr _ _) Sets-Π .F₀ ob .map g = g .fst Sets-Π .F₁ hom .map (i , fibs) = i , go where go : ∀ _ → _ go (x , fx=i) = hom .map (fibs (x , fx=i) .fst) , happly (hom .commutes) _ ∙ (fibs (x , fx=i) .snd) Sets-Π .F₁ hom .commutes = refl
open is-lcc Sets-lcc : is-lcc (Sets ℓ) Sets-lcc .finitely-complete = Sets-finitely-complete Sets-lcc .Πf = Sets-Π Sets-lcc .f*⊣Πf f .unit .η x .map y = x .map y , λ f → (_ , _ , sym (f .snd)) , refl Sets-lcc .f*⊣Πf f .counit .η x .map ((a , g) , b , p) = g (b , sym p) .fst