open import Cat.Diagram.Limit.Finite
open import Cat.Diagram.Terminal
open import Cat.Functor.Pullback
open import Cat.Functor.Adjoint
open import Cat.Instances.Slice
open import Cat.Functor.Base
open import Cat.Prelude

import Cat.Reasoning

module Cat.Functor.Slice where

Slicing functors🔗

Let F:CDF : \ca{C} \to \ca{D} be a functor and X:CX : \ca{C} an object. By a standard tool in category theory (namely “whacking an entire commutative diagram with a functor”), FF restricts to a functor F/X:C/XD/F(X)F/X : \ca{C}/X \to \ca{D}/F(X). We call this “slicing” the functor FF. This module investigates some of the properties of sliced functors.

Sliced :  {o  o′ ℓ′} {C : Precategory o } {D : Precategory o′ ℓ′}
        (F : Functor C D)
        (X : Precategory.Ob C)
        Functor (Slice C X) (Slice D (F .F₀ X))
Sliced F X .F₀ ob = cut (F .F₁ (ob .map))
Sliced F X .F₁ sh = sh′ where
  sh′ : /-Hom _ _
  sh′ .map = F .F₁ (sh .map)
  sh′ .commutes = sym (F .F-∘ _ _)  ap (F .F₁) (sh .commutes)
Sliced F X .F-id = /-Hom-path (F .F-id)
Sliced F X .F-∘ f g = /-Hom-path (F .F-∘ _ _)

Faithful, fully faithful🔗

Slicing preserves faithfulness and fully-faithfulness. It does not preserve fullness: Even if, by fullness, we get a map f:xyCf : x \to y \in \ca{C} from a map h:F(x)F(y)D/F(X)h : F(x) \to F(y) \in \ca{D}/F(X), it does not necessarily restrict to a map in C/X\ca{C}/X. We’d have to show F(y)h=F(x)F(y)h=F(x) and h=F(f)h=F(f) implies yf=xyf=x, which is possible only if FF is faithful.

module _ {o  o′ ℓ′} {C : Precategory o } {D : Precategory o′ ℓ′}
         {F : Functor C D} {X : Precategory.Ob C} where
    module D = Cat.Reasoning D

However, if FF is faithful, then so are any of its slices F/XF/X, and additionally, if FF is full, then the sliced functors are also fully faithful.

  Sliced-faithful : is-faithful F  is-faithful (Sliced F X)
  Sliced-faithful faith p = /-Hom-path (faith (ap map p))

  Sliced-ff : is-fully-faithful F  is-fully-faithful (Sliced F X)
  Sliced-ff eqv = is-iso→is-equiv isom where
    isom : is-iso _
    isom .is-iso.inv sh = record
      { map = equiv→inverse eqv (sh .map)
      ; commutes = ap fst $ is-contr→is-prop (eqv .is-eqv _)
        (_ , F .F-∘ _ _  ap₂ D._∘_ refl (equiv→section eqv _)  sh .commutes) (_ , refl)
    isom .is-iso.rinv x = /-Hom-path (equiv→section eqv _)
    isom .is-iso.linv x = /-Hom-path (equiv→retraction eqv _)

Left exactness🔗

If FF is lex (meaning it preserves pullbacks and the terminal object), then F/XF/X is lex as well. We note that it (by definition) preserves products, since products in C/X\ca{C}/X are equivalently pullbacks in C/X\ca{C}/X. Pullbacks are also immediately shown to be preserved, since a square in C/X\ca{C}/X is a pullback iff it is a pullback in C\ca{C}.

  :  {o  o′ ℓ′} {C : Precategory o } {D : Precategory o′ ℓ′}
   {F : Functor C D} {X : Precategory.Ob C}
   is-lex F
   is-lex (Sliced F X)
Sliced-lex {C = C} {D = D} {F = F} {X = X} flex = lex where
  module D = Cat.Reasoning D
  module Dx = Cat.Reasoning (Slice D (F .F₀ X))
  module C = Cat.Reasoning C
  open is-lex
  lex : is-lex (Sliced F X)
  lex .pres-pullback = pullback-above→pullback-below
                      flex .pres-pullback

That the slice of lex functor preserves the terminal object is slightly more involved, but not by a lot. The gist of the argument is that we know what the terminal object is: It’s the identity map! So we can cheat: Since we know that TT is terminal, we know that TidT \cong \id{id} — but FF preserves this isomorphism, so we have F(T)F(id)F(T) \cong F(\id{id}). But F(id)F(\id{id}) is id\id{id} again, now in D\ca{D}, so F(T)F(T), being isomorphic to the terminal object, is itself terminal!

  lex .pres-⊤ {T = T} term =
    is-terminal-iso (Slice D (F .F₀ X))
      (subst (Dx._≅ cut (F .F₁ (T .map))) (ap cut (F .F-id))
        (F-map-iso (Sliced F X)
          (⊤-unique (Slice C X)
            (record { has⊤ = Slice-terminal-object })
            (record { has⊤ = term }))))

Sliced adjoints🔗

A very important property of sliced functors is that, if LRL \dashv R, then R/XR/X is also a right adjoint. The left adjoint isn’t quite L/XL/X, because the types there don’t match, nor is it L/R(x)L/R(x) — but it’s quite close. We can adjust that functor by postcomposition with the counit ε:LR(x)x\eps : LR(x) \to xA to get a functor left adjoint to R/XR/X.

  :  {o  o′ ℓ′} {C : Precategory o } {D : Precategory o′ ℓ′}
   {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (adj : L  R) {X : Precategory.Ob D}
   (Σf (adj .counit .η _) F∘ Sliced L (R .F₀ X))  Sliced R X
Sliced-adjoints {C = C} {D} {L} {R} adj {X} = adj′ where
  module adj = _⊣_ adj
  module L = Functor L
  module R = Functor R
  module C = Cat.Reasoning C
  module D = Cat.Reasoning D

  adj′ : (Σf (adj .counit .η _) F∘ Sliced L (R .F₀ X))  Sliced R X
  adj′ .unit .η x .map = adj.unit.η _
  adj′ .unit .is-natural x y f = /-Hom-path ( _ _ _)
  adj′ .counit .η x .map = adj.counit.ε _
  adj′ .counit .η x .commutes = sym ( _ _ _)
  adj′ .counit .is-natural x y f = /-Hom-path ( _ _ _)
  adj′ .zig = /-Hom-path adj.zig
  adj′ .zag = /-Hom-path adj.zag

80% of the adjunction transfers as-is (I didn’t quite count, but the percentage must be way up there — just look at the definition above!). The hard part is proving that the adjunction unit restricts to a map in slice categories, which we can compute:

  adj′ .unit .η x .commutes =
    R.₁ (adj.counit.ε _ D.∘ L.₁ (x .map)) C.∘ adj.unit.η _         ≡⟨ C.pushl (R.F-∘ _ _) 
    R.₁ (adj.counit.ε _) C.∘ R.₁ (L.₁ (x .map)) C.∘ adj.unit.η _   ≡˘⟨ ap (R.₁ _ C.∘_) ( _ _ _) ≡˘
    R.₁ (adj.counit.ε _) C.∘ adj.unit.η _ C.∘ x .map               ≡⟨ C.cancell adj.zag 
    x .map