open import Cat.Functor.Equivalence.Complete open import Cat.Functor.Conservative open import Cat.Functor.Equivalence open import Cat.Diagram.Limit.Base open import Cat.Diagram.Terminal open import Cat.Diagram.Monad open import Cat.Prelude import Cat.Reasoning module Cat.Diagram.Monad.Limits {o ℓ} {C : Precategory o ℓ} {M : Monad C} where
Limits in categories of algebras🔗
Suppose that be a category, be a monad on , and be a -shaped diagram of -algebras (that is, a functor into the Eilenberg-Moore category of M). Suppose that an evil wizard has given you a limit for the diagram in which underlies , but they have not (being evil and all) told you whether admits an algebra structure at all.
Perhaps we can make this situation slightly more concrete, by working in a category equivalent to an Eilenberg-Moore category: If we have two groups , , considered as a discrete diagram, then the limit our evil wizard would give us is the product in . But we already know we can equip this product with a “pointwise” group structure! Does this result generalise?
The answer is positive, though this is one of those cases where abstract nonsense can not help us: gotta roll up our sleeves and calculate away. Suppose we have a diagram as in the setup — we’ll show that the functor both preserves and reflects limits, in that is a limiting cone if, and only if, is.
module _ {jo jℓ} {J : Precategory jo jℓ} (F : Functor J (Eilenberg-Moore C M)) where private module F = Functor F Forget-reflects-limits : (K : Cone F) → is-limit (Forget C M F∘ F) (F-map-cone (Forget C M) K) → is-limit F K Forget-reflects-limits K uniq other = contr ! unique where !′ = uniq (F-map-cone (Forget C M) other) .centre
Let be a cone over : Since is a limiting cone, then we have a unique map of , which we must show extends to a map of algebras , which by definition means . But those are maps — so if was a cone over , and those two were maps of cones, then they would be equal!
! : Cone-hom _ other K ! .hom .morphism = !′ .hom ! .hom .commutes = ap hom $ is-contr→is-prop (uniq cone′) (record { hom = !′ .hom C.∘ apex other .snd .ν ; commutes = λ o → C.pulll (!′ .commutes o) }) (record { hom = apex K .snd .ν C.∘ M.M₁ (!′ .hom) ; commutes = λ o → C.pulll (K .ψ o .commutes) ·· C.pullr (sym (M.M-∘ _ _) ∙ ap M.M₁ (!′ .commutes o)) ·· sym (other .ψ o .commutes) })
The cone structure on is given by composites , which commute because is also a cone structure. More explicitly, what we must show is , which follows immediately.
where cone′ : Cone (Forget C M F∘ F) cone′ .apex = M.M₀ (apex other .fst) cone′ .ψ x = morphism (ψ other x) C.∘ apex other .snd .ν cone′ .commutes o = C.pulll (ap morphism (commutes other o)) ! .commutes o = Algebra-hom-path _ (uniq (F-map-cone (Forget C M) other) .centre .commutes o)
For uniqueness, we use that the map is unique, and that the functor is faithful.
unique : ∀ x → ! ≡ x unique x = Cone-hom-path _ $ Algebra-hom-path _ $ ap hom (uniq (F-map-cone (Forget _ M) other) .paths hom′) where hom′ : Cone-hom _ _ _ hom′ .hom = hom x .morphism hom′ .commutes o = ap morphism (x .commutes o)
I hope you like appealing to uniqueness of maps into limits, by the way. We now relax the conditions on the theorem above, which relies on the pre-existence of a cone . In fact, what we have shown is that Forget
reflects the property of being a limit — what we now show is that it reflects limit objects, too: if has a limit, then so does .
Forget-lift-limit : Limit (Forget _ M F∘ F) → Limit F Forget-lift-limit lim-over = record { top = cone′ ; has⊤ = Forget-reflects-limits cone′ $ subst (is-limit _) (sym U$L≡L) (lim-over .has⊤) } where open Terminal module cone = Cone (lim-over .top)
What we must do, essentially, is prove that admits an algebra structure, much like we did for products of groups. In this, we’ll use two auxilliary cones over , one with underlying object given by and one by . We construct the one with a single first, and re-use its maps in the construction of the one with .
The maps out of are given by the composite below, which assembles into a cone since is a map of algebras and is a cone.
cone₂ : Cone (Forget _ M F∘ F) cone₂ .apex = M.M₀ cone.apex cone₂ .ψ x = F.₀ x .snd .ν C.∘ M.M₁ (cone.ψ x) cone₂ .commutes {x} {y} f = F.₁ f .morphism C.∘ F.₀ x .snd .ν C.∘ M.M₁ (cone.ψ x) ≡⟨ C.pulll (F.₁ f .commutes) ⟩≡ (F.₀ y .snd .ν C.∘ M.M₁ (F.₁ f .morphism)) C.∘ M.M₁ (cone.ψ x) ≡⟨ C.pullr (sym (M.M-∘ _ _) ∙ ap M.M₁ (cone.commutes f)) ⟩≡ F.₀ y .snd .ν C.∘ M.M₁ (cone.ψ y) ∎
Below, we can reuse the work we did above by precomposing with ’s multiplication .
cone² : Cone (Forget _ M F∘ F) cone² .apex = M.M₀ (M.M₀ cone.apex) cone² .ψ x = cone₂ .ψ x C.∘ M.mult.η _ cone² .commutes f = C.pulll (cone₂ .commutes f)
We now define the algebra structure on . It’s very tedious, but the multiplication is uniquely defined since it’s a map into a limit, and the algebraic identities follow from again from limits being terminal.
cone′ : Cone F cone′ .apex = cone.apex , alg where
alg : Algebra-on _ M cone.apex alg .ν = lim-over .has⊤ cone₂ .centre .hom alg .ν-unit = ap hom $ is-contr→is-prop (lim-over .has⊤ (lim-over .top)) (record { hom = alg .ν C.∘ M.unit.η cone.apex ; commutes = comm1 }) (record { hom = ; commutes = λ _ → C.idr _ }) alg .ν-mult = ap hom $ is-contr→is-prop (lim-over .has⊤ cone²) (record { hom = alg .ν C.∘ M.M₁ (alg .ν) ; commutes = comm2 }) (record { hom = alg .ν C.∘ M.mult.η cone.apex ; commutes = λ o → C.pulll (lim-over .has⊤ cone₂ .centre .commutes o) })
The cone maps in are given by the cone maps we started with — specialising again to groups, we’re essentially showing that the projection map between sets is actually a group homomorphism.
cone′ .ψ x .morphism = cone.ψ x cone′ .ψ x .commutes = lim-over .has⊤ cone₂ .centre .commutes x cone′ .commutes f = Algebra-hom-path _ (cone.commutes f) U$L≡L : F-map-cone (Forget _ M) cone′ ≡ lim-over .top U$L≡L = Cone-path _ refl λ o → refl
We conclude by saying that, if is a complete category, then so is , with no assumptions on .
Eilenberg-Moore-is-complete : ∀ {a b} → is-complete a b C → is-complete a b (Eilenberg-Moore _ M) Eilenberg-Moore-is-complete complete F = Forget-lift-limit F (complete _)