open import Cat.Instances.Shape.Parallel open import Cat.Diagram.Limit.Base open import Cat.Diagram.Equaliser open import Cat.Instances.Functor open import Cat.Diagram.Terminal open import Cat.Prelude open import Data.Bool module Cat.Diagram.Limit.Equaliser {o h} (Cat : Precategory o h) where
We establish the correspondence between Equaliser and the Limit of a parallel arrows diagram.
Fork→Cone : ∀ {E} (F : Functor ·⇉· Cat) → (eq : Hom E (F .F₀ false)) → F .F₁ {false} {true} false ∘ eq ≡ F .F₁ {false} {true} true ∘ eq → Cone F Fork→Cone F eq p .apex = _ Fork→Cone F eq p .ψ false = eq Fork→Cone F eq p .ψ true = F .F₁ false ∘ eq Fork→Cone F eq p .commutes {false} {false} tt = eliml (F .F-id) Fork→Cone F eq p .commutes {false} {true} false = refl Fork→Cone F eq p .commutes {false} {true} true = sym p Fork→Cone F eq p .commutes {true} {true} tt = eliml (F .F-id) Equaliser→Limit : ∀ {F : Functor ·⇉· Cat} → Equaliser Cat (F .F₁ false) (F .F₁ true) → Limit F Equaliser→Limit {F = F} eq = lim where module eq = Equaliser eq lim : Limit _ lim .top = Fork→Cone F eq.equ eq.equal lim .has⊤ cone .centre .hom = eq.limiting (cone .commutes {false} {true} false ∙ sym (cone .commutes true)) lim .has⊤ cone .centre .commutes false = eq.universal lim .has⊤ cone .centre .commutes true = pullr eq.universal ∙ cone .commutes {false} {true} false lim .has⊤ cone .paths other = Cone-hom-path _ (sym (eq.unique p)) where p : cone .ψ false ≡ eq .equ ∘ other .hom p = sym (other .commutes _) Limit→Equaliser : ∀ {F : Functor ·⇉· Cat} → Limit F → Equaliser Cat (F .F₁ {false} {true} false) (F .F₁ true) Limit→Equaliser {F} lim = eq where module lim = Terminal lim eq : Equaliser Cat _ _ eq .apex = _ eq .equ = .ψ false eq .has-is-eq .equal = .commutes {false} {true} false ∙ sym ( .commutes true) eq .has-is-eq .limiting p = lim.has⊤ (Fork→Cone _ _ p) .centre .hom eq .has-is-eq .universal {p = p} = lim.has⊤ (Fork→Cone _ _ p) .centre .commutes false eq .has-is-eq .unique {e′ = e'} {p = p} {lim' = lim'} x = sym (ap hom (lim.has⊤ (Fork→Cone _ _ p) .paths other)) where other : Cone-hom _ _ _ other .hom = _ other .commutes false = sym x other .commutes true = sym ( F .F₁ false ∘ e' ≡⟨ ap (_ ∘_) x ⟩≡ F .F₁ false ∘ .ψ false ∘ lim' ≡⟨ pulll ( .commutes false) ⟩≡ .ψ true ∘ lim' ∎ )