open import Cat.Instances.Functor open import Cat.Functor.Hom open import Cat.Prelude open import Data.Power import Cat.Reasoning module Cat.Diagram.Sieve {o κ : _} (C : Precategory o κ) (c : Precategory.Ob C) where
Given a category , a sieve on an object Is a subset of the maps closed under composition: If , then . The data of a sieve on corresponds to the data of a subobject of , considered as an object of .
Here, the subset is represented as the function arrows, which, given an arrow (and its domain), yields a proposition representing inclusion in the subset.
record Sieve : Type (o ⊔ lsuc κ) where field arrows : {y : C.Ob} → ℙ (C.Hom y c) closed : {y z : _} {f : _} (g : C.Hom y z) → f ∈ arrows → (f C.∘ g) ∈ arrows open Sieve
The maximal
sieve on an object is the collection of all maps ; It represents the identity map as a subfunctor. A -small family of sieves can be intersected (the underlying predicate is the “-ary conjunction” — the universal quantifier), and this represents a wide pullback of subobjects.
maximal′ : Sieve maximal′ .arrows x = Lift _ ⊤ , λ _ _ _ → lift tt maximal′ .closed g x = lift tt intersect : ∀ {I : Type κ} (F : I → Sieve) → Sieve intersect {I = I} F .arrows h = ((x : I) → h ∈ F x .arrows) , Π-is-hlevel 1 λ _ → F _ .arrows _ .is-tr intersect {I = I} F .closed g x i = F i .closed g (x i)
Representing subfunctors🔗
Let be a sieve on . We show that it determines a presheaf , and that this presheaf admits a monic natural transformation . The functor determined by a sieve sends each object to the set of arrows s.t. ; The functorial action is given by composition, as with the functor.
to-presheaf : Sieve → PSh.Ob to-presheaf sieve .F₀ d = Σ[ f ∈ C.Hom d c ] (f ∈ sieve .arrows) , Σ-is-hlevel 2 (C.Hom-set _ _) λ _ → is-prop→is-set (sieve .arrows _ .is-tr) to-presheaf sieve .F₁ f (g , s) = g C.∘ f , sieve .closed _ s
That this functor is a subobject of follows straightforwardly: The injection map is given by projecting out the first component, which is an embedding (since “being in a sieve” is a proposition). Since natural transformations are monic if they are componentwise monic, and embeddings are monic, the result follows.
to-presheaf↪よ : {S : Sieve} → to-presheaf S PSh.↪ よ₀ C c to-presheaf↪よ {S} .mor .η x (f , _) = f to-presheaf↪よ {S} .mor .is-natural x y f = refl to-presheaf↪よ {S} .monic g h path = Nat-path λ x → embedding→monic (Subset-proj-embedding (λ _ → S .arrows _ .is-tr)) (g .η x) (h .η x) (ap (λ e → e .η x) path)