open import Cat.Instances.Shape.Cospan
open import Cat.Diagram.Limit.Base
open import Cat.Instances.Functor
open import Cat.Diagram.Pullback
open import Cat.Diagram.Terminal
open import Cat.Prelude

open import Data.Bool

module Cat.Diagram.Limit.Pullback {o h} (Cat : Precategory o h) where

We establish the correspondence between Pullback and the Limit of a cospan diagram.

  :  {x y} {P} {F : Functor (·→·←· {x} {y}) Cat}
   (p1 : Hom P (F .F₀ cs-a)) (p2 : Hom P (F .F₀ cs-b))
   F .F₁ {cs-a} {cs-c} _  p1  F .F₁ {cs-b} {cs-c} _  p2
   Cone F
Square→Cone p1 p2 square .apex = _
Square→Cone p1 p2 square .ψ cs-a = p1
Square→Cone p1 p2 square .ψ cs-b = p2
Square→Cone {F = F} p1 p2 square .ψ cs-c = F .F₁ _  p1
Square→Cone {F = F} p1 p2 square .commutes {cs-a} {cs-a} _ = eliml (F .F-id)
Square→Cone {F = F} p1 p2 square .commutes {cs-a} {cs-c} _ = refl
Square→Cone {F = F} p1 p2 square .commutes {cs-b} {cs-b} _ = eliml (F .F-id)
Square→Cone {F = F} p1 p2 square .commutes {cs-b} {cs-c} _ = sym square
Square→Cone {F = F} p1 p2 square .commutes {cs-c} {cs-c} _ = eliml (F .F-id)

  :  {x y} {A B C} {f : Hom A C} {g : Hom B C}
   Pullback Cat f g
   Limit (cospan→cospan-diagram x y {C = Cat} f g)
Pullback→Limit {f = f} {g} pb = lim where
  module pb = Pullback pb
  lim : Limit _
  lim .top = Square→Cone _ _ pb.square
  lim .has⊤ cone .centre .hom      = pb.limiting (cone .commutes (lift tt)  sym (cone .commutes {cs-b} {cs-c} (lift tt)))
  lim .has⊤ cone .centre .commutes cs-a = pb.p₁∘limiting
  lim .has⊤ cone .centre .commutes cs-b = pb.p₂∘limiting
  lim .has⊤ cone .centre .commutes cs-c = pullr pb.p₁∘limiting  cone .commutes (lift tt)
  lim .has⊤ cone .paths otherhom = Cone-hom-path _ (sym (pb.unique (otherhom .commutes _) (otherhom .commutes _)))

  :  {x y}
   {F : Functor (·→·←· {x} {y}) Cat}
   Limit F
   Pullback Cat (F .F₁ {cs-a} {cs-c} _) (F .F₁ {cs-b} {cs-c} _)
Limit→Pullback {F = F} lim = pb where
  module lim = Terminal lim
  pb : Pullback Cat _ _
  pb .apex = .apex
  pb .p₁ = .ψ cs-a
  pb .p₂ = .ψ cs-b
  pb .has-is-pb .square = .commutes _  sym ( .commutes {cs-b} {cs-c} _)
  pb .has-is-pb .limiting x = lim.has⊤ (Square→Cone _ _ x) .centre .hom
  pb .has-is-pb .p₁∘limiting {p = p} = lim.has⊤ (Square→Cone _ _ p) .centre .commutes cs-a
  pb .has-is-pb .p₂∘limiting {p = p} = lim.has⊤ (Square→Cone _ _ p) .centre .commutes cs-b
  pb .has-is-pb .unique {p₁' = p₁'} {p₂'} {p} {lim'} a b =
    sym (ap hom (lim.has⊤ (Square→Cone _ _ p) .paths other))
      other : Cone-hom _ _ _
      other .hom = _
      other .commutes cs-a = a
      other .commutes cs-b = b
      other .commutes cs-c = .ψ cs-c  lim'                         ≡˘⟨ pulll ( .commutes _) ≡˘
        F .F₁ {cs-a} {cs-c} _ .ψ cs-a  lim' ≡⟨ ap (_ ∘_) a 
        F .F₁ {cs-a} {cs-c} _  p₁'