open import 1Lab.Equiv.Fibrewise open import 1Lab.HLevel.Retracts open import 1Lab.Type.Dec open import 1Lab.HLevel open import 1Lab.Equiv open import 1Lab.Path open import 1Lab.Type module 1Lab.HLevel.Sets where
A set, in HoTT, is a type that validates UIP (uniqueness of equality proofs): Any two proofs of the same equality are equal. There are many ways to prove that a type is a set. An equivalence that is well-known in type theory is that UIP is equivalent to Axiom K:
hasK : Type ℓ → Typeω hasK A = ∀ {ℓ} {x : A} (P : x ≡ x → Type ℓ) → P refl → (p : x ≡ x) → P p
A type is a Set if, and only if, it satisfies K:
K→is-set : hasK A → is-set A K→is-set K x y = J (λ y p → (q : x ≡ y) → p ≡ q) (λ q → K (λ q → refl ≡ q) refl q) is-set→K : is-set A → hasK A is-set→K Aset {x = x} P prefl p = transport (λ i → P (Aset _ _ refl p i)) prefl
Rijke’s Theorem🔗
Another useful way of showing that a type is a set is Rijke’s theorem.1 Suppose we have the following setup: R
is a relation on the elements of A
; R x y
is always a proposition; R
is reflexive, and R x y
implies x ≡ y
. Then we have that (x ≡ y) ≃ R x y
, and by closure of h-levels under equivalences, A
is a set.
Rijke-equivalence : {R : A → A → Type ℓ} → (refl : {x : A} → R x x) → (toid : {x y : A} → R x y → x ≡ y) → (is-prop : {x y : A} → is-prop (R x y)) → {x y : A} → is-equiv (toid {x} {y}) Rijke-equivalence {A = A} {R = R} refl toid isprop = total→equiv equiv where equiv : {x : A} → is-equiv (total {P = R x} {Q = x ≡_} (λ y → toid {x} {y})) equiv {x} = is-contr→is-equiv (contr (x , refl) λ { (x , q) → Σ-path (toid q) (isprop _ _) }) (contr (x , λ i → x) λ { (x , q) i → q i , λ j → q (i ∧ j) })
By the characterisation of fibrewise equivalences, it suffices to show that total toid
induces an equivalence of total spaces. By J, the total space of x ≡_
is contractible; By toid
, and the fact that R
is propositional, we can contract the total space of R x
to (x , refl)
Rijke-is-set : {R : A → A → Type ℓ} → (refl : {x : A} → R x x) → (toid : {x y : A} → R x y → x ≡ y) → (is-prop : {x y : A} → is-prop (R x y)) → is-set A Rijke-is-set refl toid isprop x y = equiv→is-hlevel 1 toid (Rijke-equivalence refl toid isprop) isprop
Hedberg’s Theorem🔗
As a consequence of Rijke’s theorem, we get that any type for which we can conclude equality from a double-negated equality is a set:
¬¬-separated→is-set : ({x y : A} → ((x ≡ y → ⊥) → ⊥) → x ≡ y) → is-set A ¬¬-separated→is-set stable = Rijke-is-set (λ x → x refl) stable prop where prop : {x y : A} → is-prop ((x ≡ y → ⊥) → ⊥) prop p q i x = absurd {A = p x ≡ q x} (p x) i
From this we get Hedberg’s theorem: Any type with decidable equality is a set.
Discrete→is-set : Discrete A → is-set A Discrete→is-set {A = A} dec = ¬¬-separated→is-set sep where sep : {x y : A} → ((x ≡ y → ⊥) → ⊥) → x ≡ y sep {x = x} {y = y} ¬¬p with dec x y ... | yes p = p ... | no ¬p = absurd (¬¬p ¬p)
Named after a Twitter mutual of mine :)↩︎