open import 1Lab.Path
open import 1Lab.Type

open import Data.List

open import Relation.Order

module Relation.Order.Lexicographic where

Lexicographic Orderings🔗

A Lexicographic Ordering can be thought of as a generalization of how we sort words. For instance, if we were to look up “math” in the dictionary, it would come before “mathematician”, but after “cube”. By generalizing the order in question, we can get a notion of ordering for any arbitrary list, instead of being restricted to lists of characters.

We define our ordering as an inductive type:

data Lex { ℓ'} {A : Type }
         (_≺_ : A  A  Type ℓ') : List A  List A  Type (  ℓ') where
  done     :  {y ys}                       Lex _≺_ []      (y  ys)
  here     :  {x xs y ys}  x  y          Lex _≺_ (x  xs) (y  ys)
  next     :  {x xs ys}    Lex _≺_ xs ys  Lex _≺_ (x  xs) (x  ys)


In order to prove further results, we are going to need a handful of little lemmas. First, let’s show that if the head xs is greater than the head of ys, then then xs cannot be smaller than ys:

lex-antisym-head : (x  y  )  (x  y  )  Lex _≺_ (x  xs) (y  ys)  
lex-antisym-head ¬x≺y ¬x≡y (here x≺y) = ¬x≺y x≺y
lex-antisym-head ¬x≺y ¬x≡y (next _)   = ¬x≡y refl

We can show something similar for the tails of lists as well!

lex-antisym-tail : (x  y  )  (Lex _≺_ xs ys  )  Lex _≺_ (x  xs) (y  ys)  
lex-antisym-tail ¬x≺y ¬xs≺ys (here x≺y)   = ¬x≺y x≺y
lex-antisym-tail ¬x≺y ¬xs≺ys (next xs≺ys) = ¬xs≺ys xs≺ys

When we defined next, we specified it’s type as Lex _≺_ (x ∷ xs) (x ∷ ys). We could have given it the type Lex _≺_ (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) and required a proof that x ≡ y, but that would mean a lot more substs when we go to use it.

However, it does mean that we need to prove the following lemma:

ap-∷-next : x  y  Lex _≺_ xs ys  Lex _≺_ (x  xs) (y  ys)
ap-∷-next {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} x≡y xs≺ys =
  subst  z  Lex _ (x  xs) (z  ys)) x≡y (next xs≺ys)


Note that we have provided a non-strict version! This means the relation is irreflexive rather than reflexive. There’s a good reason for doing so: it makes the relation trichotomous.

This proof is a bit of a monster, so don’t feel bad if it’s overwhelming! The core idea is that we can walk down both lists, comparing each element as we go. Most of the code here is to convince Agda that various situations are impossible.

lex-trichotomous : is-trichotomous _≺_  is-trichotomous (Lex _≺_)
lex-trichotomous tri []      []      = eq  ()) refl  ())
lex-trichotomous tri []      (x  ys) = lt done (∷≠[]  sym)  ())
lex-trichotomous tri (x  xs) []      = gt  ()) ∷≠[] done
lex-trichotomous tri (x  xs) (y  ys) with tri x y | lex-trichotomous tri xs ys
... | lt  x≺y ¬x≡y ¬y≺x | _ =
  lt (here x≺y) (¬x≡y  ∷-head-inj) (lex-antisym-head ¬y≺x (¬x≡y  sym))
... | gt ¬x≺y ¬x≡y  y≺x | _ =
  gt (lex-antisym-head ¬x≺y ¬x≡y) (¬x≡y  ∷-head-inj) (here y≺x)
... | eq _     x≡y ¬y≺x | lt xs≺ys ¬xs≡ys ¬ys≺xs =
  lt (ap-∷-next x≡y xs≺ys) (¬xs≡ys  ∷-tail-inj) (lex-antisym-tail ¬y≺x ¬ys≺xs)
... | eq ¬x≺y x≡y ¬y≺x  | eq ¬xs≺ys xs≡ys ¬ys≺xs =
  eq (lex-antisym-tail ¬x≺y ¬xs≺ys) (ap-∷ x≡y xs≡ys) (lex-antisym-tail ¬y≺x ¬ys≺xs)
... | eq ¬x≺y x≡y ¬y≺x  | gt ¬xs≺ys ¬xs≡ys ys≺xs =
  gt (lex-antisym-tail ¬x≺y ¬xs≺ys) (¬xs≡ys  ∷-tail-inj) (ap-∷-next (sym x≡y) ys≺xs)