open import Cat.Prelude module Cat.Instances.Lift where
Lifting categories across universesπ
Suppose you have a category with objects in and homs in , but you really need it to have objects in some larger universe and homs in . Fortunately you can uniformly lift the precategory to this bigger universe.
Lift-cat : β {o β} oβ² ββ² β Precategory o β β Precategory (o β oβ²) (β β ββ²) Lift-cat oβ² ββ² C = liftc where open Precategory C open HLevel-instance liftc : Precategory _ _ liftc .Precategory.Ob = Lift oβ² Ob liftc .Precategory.Hom (lift x) (lift y) = Lift ββ² (Hom x y) liftc .Precategory.Hom-set x y = hlevel 2 liftc = lift id liftc .Precategory._β_ (lift f) (lift g) = lift (f β g) liftc .Precategory.idr (lift f) = ap lift (idr f) liftc .Precategory.idl (lift f) = ap lift (idl f) liftc .Precategory.assoc (lift f) (lift g) (lift h) = ap lift (assoc f g h) Lift-functor-l : β {so sβ} bo bβ {o β} {C : Precategory so sβ} {D : Precategory o β} β Functor C D β Functor (Lift-cat bo bβ C) D Lift-functor-l bo bβ G = F where open Functor F : Functor _ _ F .Fβ (lift x) = Fβ G x F .Fβ (lift f) = Fβ G f F .F-id = F-id G F .F-β (lift f) (lift g) = F-β G f g Lift-functor-r : β {so sβ} bo bβ {o β} {C : Precategory so sβ} {D : Precategory o β} β Functor C D β Functor C (Lift-cat bo bβ D) Lift-functor-r bo bβ G = F where open Functor F : Functor _ _ F .Fβ x = lift $ Fβ G x F .Fβ f = lift $ Fβ G f F .F-id = ap lift $ F-id G F .F-β f g = ap lift $ F-β G f g