open import Cat.Instances.Product open import Cat.Prelude module Cat.Functor.Bifunctor {o₁ h₁ o₂ h₂ o₃ h₃ : _} {C : Precategory o₁ h₁} {D : Precategory o₂ h₂} {E : Precategory o₃ h₃} (F : Functor (C ×Cat D) E) where
The word bifunctor is a term of endearment for “functors out of a product category”. They’re named after bilinear maps, to evoke the idea that a functor out of is functorial in each of its arguments. Correspondingly we have the operations first and second, altering one coordinate and leaving the other fixed.
first : ∀ {a b} {x} → C.Hom a b → E.Hom (F₀ (a , x)) (F₀ (b , x)) first f = F₁ (f , second : ∀ {a b} {x} → D.Hom a b → E.Hom (F₀ (x , a)) (F₀ (x , b)) second f = F₁ ( , f)
These operations behave functorially by themselves, and you can “push second past first”.
first-id : ∀ {a} {x} → first ≡ {F₀ (x , a)} first-id = F-id second-id : ∀ {a} {x} → second ≡ {F₀ (x , a)} second-id = F-id first∘first : ∀ {a b c} {x} {f : C.Hom b c} {g : C.Hom a b} → first (f C.∘ g) ≡ first {x = x} f E.∘ first g first∘first {f = f} {g} = sym ( F₁ (f , E.∘ F₁ (g , ≡⟨ sym (F-∘ _ _) ⟩≡ F₁ (f C.∘ g , D.∘ ≡⟨ ap (λ e → F₁ (f C.∘ g , e)) (D.idl _) ⟩≡ F₁ (f C.∘ g , ∎ ) second∘second : ∀ {a b c} {x} {f : D.Hom b c} {g : D.Hom a b} → second (f D.∘ g) ≡ second {x = x} f E.∘ second g second∘second {f = f} {g} = sym ( F₁ ( , f) E.∘ F₁ ( , g) ≡⟨ sym (F-∘ _ _) ⟩≡ F₁ ( C.∘ , f D.∘ g) ≡⟨ ap (λ e → F₁ (e , f D.∘ g)) (C.idl _) ⟩≡ F₁ ( , f D.∘ g) ∎ ) first∘second : ∀ {a b} {x y} {f : C.Hom a b} {g : D.Hom x y} → first f E.∘ second g ≡ second g E.∘ first f first∘second {f = f} {g} = F₁ (f , E.∘ F₁ ( , g) ≡⟨ sym (F-∘ _ _) ⟩≡ F₁ (f C.∘ , D.∘ g) ≡⟨ ap₂ (λ x y → F₁ (x , y)) (C.idr _ ∙ sym (C.idl _)) (D.idl _ ∙ sym (D.idr _)) ⟩≡ F₁ ( C.∘ f , g D.∘ ≡⟨ F-∘ _ _ ⟩≡ F₁ ( , g) E.∘ F₁ (f , ∎
Fixing an object in either of the categories gives us a functor which varies in the other category.
Left : D.Ob → Functor C E Functor.F₀ (Left y) x = F₀ (x , y) Functor.F₁ (Left y) f = first f Functor.F-id (Left y) = F-id Functor.F-∘ (Left y) f g = first∘first Right : C.Ob → Functor D E Functor.F₀ (Right x) y = F₀ (x , y) Functor.F₁ (Right x) f = second f Functor.F-id (Right x) = F-id Functor.F-∘ (Right x) f g = second∘second Flip : Functor (D ×Cat C) E Functor.F₀ Flip (fst , snd) = F₀ (snd , fst) Functor.F₁ Flip (fst , snd) = F₁ (snd , fst) Functor.F-id Flip = F-id Functor.F-∘ Flip f g = F-∘ _ _